Save Time and Grow Your Business

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Time is the one asset you can’t get more of.  Your time is precious and so is your family and business.  How do you balance everything you have in your life?  Would you like to be more productive?  Sign up for our 12 module course on how you can save time, save money, and grow your business.

Module 1: Learn how to get 20 minutes back every day.  This time is for you and will give you some breathing room for your day.
Module 2:  Get Clarity on what you value.  We’ll show you how to distil down into the top 5 values that you have that will help guide all the decisions you make
Module 3:  Breaking old habits is hard.  We’ll show you how to break your habits using the latest in positive psychology.
Module 4:  You have to know where your company is going.  We help you create a company strategy that you can use as a guide when making decisions.
Module 5:  Now that you have your personal values and your company strategy you can create a scorecard that will tell you if you should work on something, ignore it, or delegate it/outsource it.
Module 6:  Do you know your top priorities at any time.  You should know what they are and we’ll show you how to decide the top priorities and how many you should work on.
Module 7:  Scheduling yourself properly is critical to time management.  We’ll show you exactly how much of your day you should keep booked and how to use different tools to keep you on task and focused.
Module 8:  You will want to evaluate your business and improve it so you can have more time as well as be able to grow your business properly. This module focuses on sales processes increasing your time and increasing sales.
Module 9:  Operations is where many people spend most of their time (that ans sales).  Streamline your operations so that you are getting the results you want without spending hours and hours a day working in the business
Module 10: Financial systems are critical and you need to make sure you have a plan to make sure you are getting paid and so are your employees.  We’ll cover all the processes you have and decide what to outsource or keep in house.
Module 11: Information systems are more than just IT.  It is making sure you have the right information to make the right decisions.  You will learn the information you need to manage your business effectively without getting bogged down.
Module 12:  Getting your employees aligned to you and your vision is critical.  We’ll show you how to get them aligned, engaged, and more productive by only spending 12 minutes a day with them.

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