Have you ever worked a job and you were given little or no training, expected to perform at a high level, and when you make a mistake you are reprimanded. I’ve been on both sides of this situation and I can tell you that you that it will demoralize your…
I wrote a blog post recently on Motivating Employees Without Money where I talk about different techniques you can use to motivate your workforce without giving out money. You have to understand how to motivate people from a psychological standpoint. Motivation comes from several factors but how do you…
What motivates employees? It’s not necessarily money. Here are factors that motivate employees from a Business week article in 2008: Empowerment to Make Decisions Opportunities for Growth & Development Variety Mutual Support and Respect Sense of Purpose Desirable Future Find out more at an article Motivating Employees Without Money
At a recent trip to one of my favorite stores Costco I came across an interesting problem that you might also have in your business. Their checkout cashiers were rated on three factors: 1) How quickly they scan 2) How many customers they scan in an hour [minimum of 50]…
Here are some statistics on why employees leave a company: 25% of respondents reported leaving employers because of ineffective leadership22% cited poor relationships with their managers21% said their contributions were not valued Source: http://www.worldatwork.org/waw/adimComment?id=26632 We see all kinds of issues related to company culture. Employee retention is not only a…
Only 1 in 5 employees go the extra distance to help a company succeed. There is a common myth money motivates people. The reality is that motivating employees without money is actually better and sometimes easier. So what are the factors that motivate employees? In 2008 Businessweek had an article…