Framework for Change Management Part IV

ATEEP is the framework that we use to help accelerate and make change stick.  We’ve covered alignment in Framework for Change Management Part I , team in Framework for Change Management Part II, and experimenting in Framework for Change Management Part III.  Once you have your solution execution is next in the change framework.  At this point you have to take what you’ve learned and role it out to the entire organization.  Now this may sound easy but can be the most difficult part.  Especially if you haven’t done the first 3 parts properly.  One of the tools you want to use is a RACI.  This is a way to determine who is Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed during the role out process.  Another tool you will want to use is a scope document where you highlight was is in scope and out of scope.  There are standard project management tools that are very effective if you have the proper Alignment, Team, and Experiments that will produce the results you want.

For A copy of a Project Management template you can contact us and we can go into detail and send you a copy.  Implementation is a separate skill set that can take practice if you don’t have the competency so leave room for errors if you are inexperienced at implementation.


If you want to learn more about ATEEP and how to implement it apply for a discovery call now and we can do a deep dive discovery of your situation at no cost if you qualify.

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